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Aqueduct Reimagined Open Office Hours

الأربعاء، ٢٨ يونيو


Rundel Library North Terrace

Stop by the North Terrace at the Rundel Library anytime between 11 AM - 3 PM to talk to project team members and learn some more about the project, proposed design alternatives, and share feedback with the project team!

الوقت والموقع

٢٨ يونيو ٢٠٢٣، ١١:٠٠ ص – ٣:٠٠ م

Rundel Library North Terrace, 115 South Ave, Rochester, NY 14604, USA

نبذة عن الحدث

Stop by the North Terrace at the Rundel Library anytime between 11 AM - 3 PM to talk to project team members and learn some more about the project, proposed design alternatives, and share feedback with the project team!

شارِك هذا الحدث

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